Chef Slava Bond

Blogger and food creator. My dream is to see everyone cooking good food from scratch and learning new ways to get creative in the kitchen.
All Recipes and Posts by Slava Bond
Frozen Raspberry Truffles
Frozen raspberry truffles. Very easy and delicious dessert! ...more
Fried Beef with Mushrooms...
Fried beef with mushrooms and snow peas is very delicious Asian beef recipe. ...more
Best Ginger Coffee Cake...
Best ginger coffee cake recipe. Very easy and delicious ginger coffee cake baked in the oven. Use it as a dessert. Do you like ...more
Raspberry and Mango Smoothie
Raspberry and mango smoothie.Very healthy and delicious nonalcoholic mixed drink. ...more
Simple Sweet Breakfast Biscuits...
Simple sweet breakfast biscuits recipe. Pumpkin biscuits baked in the oven. Very easy and delicious dessert! You may also like Plain Biscuits Recipe: Plain ...more
Italian Coffee
Italian coffee.Very easy and delicious dessert. ...more
Oven Roast Vegetables and...
Oven roast vegetables and chicken couscous. Vegetables with chicken and couscous cooked in halogen (turbo) oven. ...more
Margarita Mango Salsa
Margarita mango salsa.Fresh Mexican salsa.Very healthy and tasty. ...more